I came back today after a week of forced distance ....
The nocturnal solitude that often so scared .... because it forces you to look inside, you
reveals many things. First, browse your links .... with:
your children, with your husband, with God, friends, with you same. So many sleepless nights for
hospital noises I've been through the thinking of you ....
I saw you do every day at the races for all appointments with ...
long beard and a little 'overlooked .... but our children always in order ... and on time to their many commitments.
I thought I was indispensable, but ...... you give me more than great!
You slept in Latvian with them to make them feel less lonely tonight ...... and you went back to work ...
sleepy. I know that all the poems of Neruda, of Prevert, etc. ....
there is not one that can be as intense as the love that you transmit with much attention you have for us ...
There are many men who can do what you do: Do \u200b\u200bnot miss the
mother to their children, substitute 100% and stay there.
You and me, day and night .... sometimes land and sea .... often two winds that blow in the same direction without meeting ..... and always in a storm when they hit! This is our life.
ever wonder if you read this post ....
I found a song that has all my love for you I would have liked to write.
In haste we celebrated not even your birthday, "rose of spring"
then the meantime, your favorite song by Faber
I and Constantine ....
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