Saturday, February 26, 2011

Is It Haram To Wear Concealer

3.5 cm square cake in red

Friday, February 25, 2011

Honeywell Thermostat Manual Ct2700a



Thursday, February 24, 2011

Does Anybody Make A Two Door Suv

mini cake cake

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Kitchenaid Paddleattachment

home brewed beer - Bitter E + G - Pt II - Fermentation and bottling

proceeds, proceeds ... our Bitter spent a week in the first fermentor, bubbling with enthusiasm and, after the transfer, another week with slivers of toasted French oak "infusion".
Then a couple of days in the fermenter with scales, and so with the bottling.

After a week with the scales of the hints of oak barrels are made to feel so (in my opinion too) high. After a couple of days with no flakes, just before bottling, the smell is back and delicate with hints of cognac barrels and are aesthetically appealing.

now rests in the bottle (some with white sugar with some brown sugar) for a week.
Julia is definitely a beer for meditation, these are the conditions, but refer any "opinion" upon the first taste ... in about a week ...

you soon! :)

Monday, February 21, 2011

Whats The Cure To Gallbladder Polyps

Milan Italy Beer Festival (formerly the Fair Craft Beer and Quality), 4-6 March 2011 - Sixth Edition

We can not miss! ;)

Here is all the info needed :

Place and times of the event

Palasharp, via Sant'Elia
33 20148 Milano
How to get Palasharp


Fri 4 / 3 from 17.00 to 02.00
Sat 5 / 3 from 12.00 to 02.00
Sun 6 / 3 from 12.00 to 24.00


  • Full: 8 Euros, inclusive of glass and glass door
  • Mini subscription 2 days: 12 Euro (the glass door and glass are delivered only on the first day at the time of purchase)
  • Mini 3 days subscription: 16 euros (the glass door and glass are delivered only on the first day when purchase)

To pay for the tastings are available, as in previous years, the cost of 1 euro coins that can be purchased at the event.
The cost of the tasting is as follows:
  • 10cl: 1 coin
  • 25cl: 2 tokens

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Saving Pokemon Blue On Mac

6cm high s.valentino

cake I've done to my boyfriend for s.valentino nutellaaaaa Marscarpone and Blueberry stuffed with slivers of coccoooo

Friday, February 18, 2011

Science Homework Energy

earrings corn paste


Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Gas Fireplace Or Gas Starter


Hello dear friends, I apologize again for my absence forced, unfortunately, is still far from being able to use internet from home and then I can write only occasionally (at least once a week, to- allowing !!!!). I would like to thank for the prize Giat Salò sympathy and offer you a virtual cup of tea!

My living room is open to all of you and we can all sit down for a snack and a chat! Let me tell you ... that day in here ... " I landed in Bora Bora! You should know that for our wedding because my husband and I have partners, we decided to make a wedding list in travel agency and so we chose a destination, Polynesia, we knew it could not reach with our finances and that they both dreamed of !
After landing on Bora Bora, girls believe me we were out of breath! First, the runway is in the midst of the sea, then gets off the plane and was embraced by this sea of \u200b\u200binnumerable shades of blue to transparent and believe me when I tell you that looked like a surreal landscape! More a backdrop to this splendid sea lush vegetation dominated by a mountain surrounded by clouds and light fluffy, cheddar .... is one of the memories "natural" imprinted in my heart and I wish all of you to be able to feel the same admiring the grandeur of nature!! A big kiss to all and sympathy to the bonus round:

Diana's Apple Pie, love for details
Marica Le Marichicche
Think of Laura Shabby

To participate just tell "... That day when ..." Turn the award to other blogs and see the prize board or in a post.!

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Sony Vaio Does Not Detect Integrated Webcam

mini-cake pink brown cake topper

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Making Rabbit Automati Watering

Here I am!

Hello guys, finally I can write! This will be a quick post just to stay close. Do not know about you, but I have a particular attraction to the glasses! I absolutely love them and if I could change any time according to a set of dishes and tablecloth. We should have a room just for dinner services, but how? And every time I see the services of special glasses, the temptation is irresistible, then I think if I have the space and place and invariably where I leave them there! This summer, however, I succumbed to my pulse and I bought some beautiful embroidered glasses, they look great! Too bad that I have not yet used for fear of breaking them !!!!! The problem is that when I have guests, there are always children and do not like appliance with two different set of glasses (for those children and those for adults), and opto always for the same service but pretty recoverable in case you break some any! Sooner or later I tell myself that I will use them and be patient if one is broken is not it?!
They love them, simple but effective!

Very classic, but the impact!

Very beautiful and refined, perfect for a meeting gallant!



Ondulati not believe!

soon and a big kiss to you all!