Sunday, October 24, 2010

What Means Upper Retroperitoneal Adenopathy

the nonconformists not wake me up

I do not break
(music: V. Nocenzi / text: F. Di Giacomo, V. Nocenzi)

I wake up I pray
but let me sleep this sleep,
is quiet as a child is
that stinks of snoring drunk. Why should you bother

maybe if I'm dreaming of a trip on a winged chariot without wheels

dragged by horses of the mistral, mistral
in ... in flight.

I wake up I pray
but let me sleep this sleep,
there is still time for the day when
eyes moistened with tears,
my eyes ... tears.

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Reasons Of Black Stool

strategies of manipulation ...

After reading the post by Giuliano I paused to reflect on this writing
Noam Chomsky, also because next Wednesday the committee language I and this
character ultimately is my daily bread. This paper did not know ...... I recently read an article about him in which said it was rejected by the Government of Israel, because he had to give a lecture to university students in the West Bank ......
A great professor, American jew, which has contributed greatly to the revolution in linguistics, with its "grammar mental ".... but apparently also a philosopher of life who was able to uncover by studying whole policy documents, the true intent of the "manipulators" of information ...

1 - The strategy of distraction.
The main element of social control is the distraction of the strategy is to divert public attention from the problems and important changes decided by the political and economic elites using the technique of continuous deluge or flood of distractions and trivial information. The distraction of the strategy is also needed to avoid the public interest in the essential knowledge in science, economics, psychology, neurobiology and cybernetics. "Divert public attention from real social problems, to keep it imprisoned by issues with no real importance. Keep the public busy, busy, busy, without giving him time to think, always returning to the farm as other animals (cited in the text "Silent Weapons for Quiet Wars").
2 - Create the problem and then offer the solution.
This method is also called "problem - reaction - solution." This creates a problem, a "situation" that will produce a certain reaction in the public so that this is the reason of the measures that you wish to accept. For example: let a spill-or step up urban violence, or to organize bloody attacks to ensure that the public is to require security laws and policies at the expense of freedom. Or, create an economic crisis as a necessary evil in order to accept the reduction of social rights and the dismantling of public services.
3 - The strategy of gradualism.
To accept an unacceptable degree, just apply it gradually dropped to a trickle for a while 'for consecutive years. This is the way in which social and economic conditions radically new (neoliberal) were imposed in the '80s and '90s: an idle state, privatization, precariousness, flexibility, mass unemployment, wages can no longer ensure decent incomes, so many changes that have caused a revolution if they had been applied only once.
4 - The strategy of delay.
Another way to accept an unpopular decision is to present it as "painful and necessary" earning at the time the consent of the people for future application. It 's easier to accept a sacrifice of the immediate future. First, because the effort must not be done immediately. Second, because the people, the mass, always has a tendency to naively hope that "everything will be better tomorrow" and that the sacrifice required may be avoided. This will give people more time to get used to the idea of \u200b\u200bchange and accept it with resignation when the time comes.
5 - Consult the people as children.
The majority of direct use to the public discourse, topics, characters intonation and a particularly children, often in a weak voice, as if the viewer were a creature of few years or a moron. The more you try to deceive the viewer, the more they tend to use a childish tone. Why? "If someone is addressing a person as if it had 12 years or less, then, due to suggestibility, this probably will tend to a response or a reaction to uncritical as that of a person 12 years or less (see "Silent Weapons for Quiet Wars").
6 - Use the emotional aspect of much reflection.
Harnessing emotion has a classic technique to induce a short circuit rational analysis and, finally, the critical sense of the individual. In addition, the use of emotional tone opens the door to the unconscious to implant or inject ideas, desires, fears and fears, compulsions, or to induce behavior ....
7 - Keep the people in ignorance and mediocrity.
Ensure that people are incapable of understanding the techniques and methods for its control and its slavery. "The quality of education given to the lower classes must be the poor and mediocre as possible so that the gap created by ignorance among the lower classes and upper classes is and remains impossible to be filled by the inferior "(see" Silent Weapons for Quiet Wars ").
8 - Encourage the public to be in favor of mediocrity.
push the public to believe that it is fashionable to be stupid, vulgar and ignorant ...
9 - Strengthening the sense of guilt.
Far believe the individual will be solely responsible for their misfortunes on him because of inadequate intelligence, ability or effort. Thus, instead of rebelling against the economic system devalues \u200b\u200bthe individual self and feels guilty, which in turn creates a state of depression which is one of the effects inhibition to act. And without action, there is no revolution!
10 - Getting to know people better than you know it. Over the past
50'anni, the rapid advances in science have created a growing gap between the knowledge of people and those they enjoy and use the ruling elites. Thanks to the biology, neurobiology and applied psychology, the "system" could benefit from an advanced understanding of the human being, both physically and mentally. The system was able to meet the individual shared much better than he knows himself. This means that, in most cases, the system has a wider control and more power over people, far greater than what people carry on itself.
Noam Chomsky

How blame him?

From the film "Fifth Power"

Hybridization Of Clf2


often create a link to the post by Julian
because I share his analysis and his political commitment to the " last. "

When it comes to Don Farinella
is required to make a "word of mouth," I challenge anyone to contradict so much
"lucidity" Christian ....... What I expect every day to
meet in my parish, where instead teach
from the first year of Catechism to be part of a "caste".


Wednesday, October 13, 2010

2 Year Old Has A Running Tummy


An expanse of green fields with short grass and fine, smooth and soft under my bare feet;
a white sandy, primitive, alien , interrupted only from light heavy sea;
a landscape that I could not breathe despite the strong wind that ruffles your hair, you see the end of it all from up here, behind the last wall of rock climbing that separates us from God;
a soft couch, a warm room, friendly, it seems mine, a dwarf hedgehog passed me running, I can not see his face as he walks away, only its tiny red shoes
a big bed, beside a window, you hear the sound of rain outside and first penetrate the hazy light of dawn from the shutter while it obscures my view ...
If the inspector asks me the ticket of a sudden stop on my journey half-asleep, I'm still a bit 'confused and immediately try to remember the dream, but those places so distant in time and space have one thing in common. You beside me, only, only ...

Saturday, October 9, 2010

Lip Piercing Canker Sore

Today when I looked at the evidence of the musical "Peter Pan", hearing the song "The Fairy", written by Jackson, came to my mind many things ....
Jackson wrote it in 1977, the album "Puppet wireless ".... I remember well, was my Christmas present I was 13 years. A complex period in every sense ..... this song is dedicated to all women, the role of women in the world and its completeness. She understood as a universe of free love, the one who always is there.
Jackson in '77 was against the metaphorical power, even that which is opposed to the peaceful nature and in need of protection as the woman ..... The feelings twisted and violent men were always there, but ultimately our hearts are being challenged by episodes of the news that goes beyond our imagination.

A thought for a little fairy who is no more, no rhetoric, no noise, only with a sad heart that another woman, a mother like me, you can try for your absurd death. ...

Love everyday
to calm the agitated,
between pots and steam you get only love .....
not inspire the pen of the poet,
wife or six, or six Moon
or a doll made of clay.

songs and dances,
, dancing and playing ...
you the music in your heart,
little stubborn, adorable bow ...

Your notes are like autumn leaves
; in the wind .... wind that helps to fall ...

but autumn always comes back and you
, you can listen to ..........

; Floriana, 1985

A poem written on an old diary ...... of my 20 years ....... say hello to Sarah.

From Beppe Grillo's Blog:

"unemployed, precarious, slut, virgin raped, promoted Minister for the 'look, your ass, but also helps the mouth, forced to accept advances at work, family and prey to the desires of criminals, killed by his uncles, husbands, lovers, former friends, thrown on the street by pimps, introduced in the beds of the powerful as a gift for acquiring the condescension. Extracomunitari and minor, by the thousands, most girls, fresh meat on the streets of every city, easy conquest of the fathers of shit and total indifference of the family. Miss Italy who show their wares in the early evening, girls that you do not remember the smile, the look, but only the breasts, loins, the hollow of the thighs, with valleys in the butt floss in all the television programs, half-naked in the night of Christmas goods scratch and fuck, available to the Italians, unaware of the small screen would-be whores. Underpaid, the share rose, residual, marginal, excluded from decisions from politics, no civil rights if not blessed with the sanctity of marriage, without a pension even if wife did for a living, no kindergarten, no green space for her children, because the children are women, almost always. Body and person, and do not mind hole. Subject of modern sleeve with lips and cheekbones wolf in old age like an old madam of the brothels. Shaped by the needs and the triumph of the male member, lord and master of his life. No more person, but subject, you can use, loan, strangling hold. A mass transfer has transformed it from a living being thing in common availability, access, that can not be denied, they are no longer the law. Private property, but also public, by strangling in case of refusal, the social ladder just above an inflatable doll, to own even after death, because one thing is not alive and not dead. It 's just one thing, a woman, nothing more than a woman. "

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Chronotherm Iv Plus Cooling?

little fairy with the notes ..... rocking .......

A beautiful song love,
fails to awaken the memory of the soul .....

all have an archive to draw from,
a secret treasure-trove of images , words, gestures e. ..
music .....

this song free only the beautiful memories .....
let rocked by notes ...