Friday, February 26, 2010

Can Implantation Bleeding Be Bright Red

For those who want to read ....

cazzoto a stomach?
Mr. Bernard did not know this .... but I find it interesting what he writes, even if not everything is shared. Me

have sent my colleagues of Education:

and I read that you, poor bastards, fucked again by the Power.
My God, the Power has fucked up again, the poor bastards that all of us scribblers dall'Antiqualcosa, and all of you addicts of the Net Poor, poor fools, the penalty we do is heartbreaking. Tell me, where is the nerve center of this wonderful web? He's in America, within the walls of ICANN, for example, but it's there, in the corporate rooms of that country, just one, okay? So, then, but there seemed possible that those guys gave us a huge war machine with him in a deck like this? But there seemed possible that if they were inert and watch as the 'beautiful souls' of the planet is arming of blogs, news networks, social networks, websites, forums, videos, virtual streets, to smash her back? Peter Sutherland, Leon Brittan, George Shultz, Lloyd Blankfein, Pascal Lamy, Mario Draghi ... masters of the world, people like you think you idiot? They're trembling with fear, you think every time you click on Democracy Now, on Znet, or Grilloblog? Or if they are relaxing in their suites in London, Rome, Paris and Manhattan? The second. That's why, and crying.

The Network exists on average in our homes from the mid-nineties, we are now in 2010. Let's say fifteen years. We take the fifteen years before the arrival of the Web, 1980-1995. The means of communication between citizens and civic organization active at that time were the equivalent of the gig with the mule compared to what the Internet has made available, that the Space Shuttle. The comparison fits, indeed, perhaps it is also inadequate. Better blowgun compared with the aircraft carrier USS Enterprise. If I munisco blowgun for a man to defend themselves from the enemy, I expect a fight. If I give a nuclear aircraft carrier and supersonic aircraft, I expect another kind of struggle, dare I say better, that is another result, much more. And what we did with our brand-new weapons plutonium? You know what's the answer? And 'that I have made a global game, and we are stupefied before, drugged, neurotic, but also welcomed in the most harrowing global self-deception History. We did not set off a single bomb, the enemy is unscathed, indeed enhanced, with perhaps the only concern is to wipe the dust from the bottom of the trousers of petardini that sometimes our carrier's thrown at his feet. This is the reality, my God. How did we reduce ourselves like this?

Again the answer: it was possible because, as I'm complaining for years, the bulk of the 'beautiful souls' Western persists in not wanting to understand what the power, or rather, persists in not wanting to see the extent of the cunning of Power. If only some of us had stopped in front of first click on the network fifteen years ago and had asked the questions I wrote above, if we had just asked "Alt, quiet, which is that stuff that we have bowl, alt, what is cooking the power here?" perhaps I would not be a miserable place. Why was evident, Christ gave us that if the Net was because they knew perfectly well what the Net, we would have done, they knew with calm precision, we had long thought, were compared, and their conclusion was that we would have done this videodependence game from the last stage, namely, hearing, another product of compulsive consumption of their existence and Commercial Culture of visibility, which is again an additional step towards the abyss of civic paralysis. Exactly what they want us to happen. And it happened, we are increasingly inert, we, bunch of idiots believe that they are fighting every morning when we click in this web information to daughter frenetic pace as a colossal bacterial broth out of control. In battle, we filled up at a rate of information now so deafening that even the gloomy imagination of George Orwell would have conceived as a machine of civil annulment. Fight? But where? But the results you see them? Again, we got hold of a nuclear aircraft carrier when only a few years ago we had the blowpipe, and what has changed?

Men and women lived in a world of blowpipe clearly imperfect, but look: Media in the Italy of sticky, short, and armored vehicles from the Christian Democratic Party-Vatican they were able to reverse the history of country with divorce and abortion, then defended it in 1981 with a referendum on the record (67%), in a statement of intent civic unique in this area. Italian women in an age when computers were the industrial-sized boxes were able to take the Latin word for male ears and stuck his head in the stinky diapers of their children, their arms on the handles of the stroller, and carve out a large chunk of dignity in a world of pants. Not perfection, but a historical leap forward. And, again without the Internet with its huge following of fluttering, the Italian workers stamping out terrorism after the red murderess Guido Rossa in January 1979, again a demonstration of civic power admirable, considering the terrible working conditions of workers then on which the temptation to lapse into violence could have an easy grip. The magistrates took the chest of Italy's Fantozzi oil scandals, those giants of the business of State (IRI), they uncovered the P2, and then there was Tangentopoli, another historic chapter perhaps unprecedented in the West who found no impetus blog , V-Day without the 'champions' and their ten thousand books and video. A chapter that this was again defended by Italy rudimentary fax the summer of 1994 (Decree Biondi save rogues) with a popular uprising almost (never seen since so vehement). That same year, the ten-year persistence of a people in rags and forced into slavery, along with the work of thousands of European activists armed with phones if it went well, defeated apartheid in South Africa. Shortly before the Berlin Wall had fallen, leading among other things, the unification of Germany, where I remember the existence of vibrant civic anti-imperialist forces and anti nuclear, which now, with our amazing web, not there is no trace. And nuclear power, Italy's TG1, TG2 and TG3 was able in 1987 to curb the net, in a referendum which reached a peak of 80% of citizens opposed to the atom, which today raised his head almost general indifference. The years of the blowpipe, since 1980, also saw the explosion of environmental awareness with Greenpeace, and the collapse of one of the most heinous dictatorships of modern history, Latin America, there do not say they fought to get rid of Berlusconi, or of the Camorra, but a neo-Nazi empire financed and armed by the biggest world power, its endless torture chambers and concentration camps. They struggled to tens of thousands dying in inhumane conditions, and none of them never click a mouse, there was Facebook. In 1984, with a camera and a twin-engine plane, a single reporter, Mohamed Amin, took on the screens of the world the tragedy of famine in Ethiopia, saved millions, the wave of outrage forced the world's rich countries to put hunger on the agenda of poor for the first time. Amin died before they were born blog. And so it was, in a long series of victories against the barbarism of the era blowpipe.

Then came the Internet, Ohhhhh! All of the above theory is strengthened in the same proportions as it would enhance the wavelet Tzunami of the surf at night. The active citizens of the planet, fighters for justice, down from the mule and climb on the Eurostar, the sling and cast bracing cruise missiles. So with all eyes leaning forward eagerly awaiting an impressive comeback for a better world.

In the years since 1995 poverty in the South rose to 2.7 billion human beings, which subsist on $ 1 billion per day, compared to 800 million a decade ago (+200 million). The financial crisis last year has added 53 million at risk of poverty threshold. In the United States today almost 50 million people suffer from hunger, that can not feed more than once a day in Italy now for 17% of households are in serious difficulty, compared to 10% of 'traditional', 11, 2% do not get to pay medical expenses, it is not one Italian in five visits to specialists for poverty. Today, 10% of Italians filled owns half of all wealth, a significant increase in concentration according to the Bank of Italy. And while the food crisis is killing the world unprecedented numbers, the 12 billion dollars pledged in early 2009 by the powerful to eradicate hunger (Millennium Development Goals) have not materialized, and to save the banks have been spent from five thousand to eleven thousand of billions of dollars, according to estimates. But clicking on the mouse of our new war machine we elect Obama!, Of course. Taking advantage of the millions of activists coglionaggine keyboard has allowed a warmongering crook, conspiratorial protector of the CIA, Zionist iron wire, baciapile Bankers Association today has the lowest rating in the history of U.S. president since Dwight Eisenhower, to the post of most powerful man in the world. What a result! Sailing with the portentous our carrier wave of blogs for information, disinformation and counter-counter-information to the sound of tens of millions of articles and videos we took away from the holes on the radar 68 wars, two of which, Iraq and Afghanistan, although we have received the widest media exposure of human history. Ah, forgot, we ran in the era of trench keyboard also comeback of torture, debated quietly on the benches of parliament sons Cesare Beccaria, Cesare poor. Global military spending in 2008, according to SIPRI, was 1.464 billion dollars, an increase of 45% compared to ten years before, another resounding victory for the PC Internet users. In the era of the web of social networks together onanism exploded the new Panic Marketing, the mad cow disease, Ebola, SARS, of bird, of swine, what has the double in order to distract the masses from the real issues and lighten the wallet, and you know, true, that about this we Italians are now in deficit to 184 million euro in the trash thrown out of pigs? And while we citizens civic cybercombattenti do not lose the small hours to the complaint number 430871 Paladin's number 346 on the 5329 blog where comments are posted to number 3786987760, it happens that workers' rights have been extinguished ... we are distracted for a moment and poof, no more. Today 52% of voters Berlusconi, Berlusconi! Approves factory occupations by workers desperate, two-thirds of the members of the League approved the mobilization of the CGIL, 80% of Italian claims picketing in front of the factories. Does this mean that a wave is sweeping left Italy? No, it means that a wave of unprecedented despair sweeping 360-degree swept voters as never before faced the collapse of essential good work. A million and six hundred and fifty thousand Italian workers lose their jobs if they would not have even one euro from the state. 61% of all Italian job insecurity is justified only by the "tendency to reduce labor costs and the opportunity cost associated with the possibility of fire." But not us, active citizens, who had armed WebPower improve the story? Why is everything getting worse despite the jubilation of megawatts power of information and education of the Network? When the pool of Clean Hands sent into retirement (rather than in jail) the political class of the First Republic there were Grillo, Travaglio and followed them on the Web today are immense, but to that of the same things as authoritative Travaglio bribes are a lot worse than before (read his hands dirty). Silvio Berlusconi has won four terms, despite the Vajont of the rubbish that the Net has bestowed upon him, the left is the British Museum next to the Rosetta stone. The mafia's revenues increase every year, are now about 91 billion euro of loot. Europe deprives us national constitutions and sovereignty with the Treaty of Lisbon, which again is filtered free fucking through our powerful network of democratic prerogative of 500 million citizens. The fight against global warming is stagnating. Bankers deplete the world for twelve thousand billion dollars in 12 months defrauding the citizens, but not one of them ends up in jail, in fact, many millionaires cashing bonus. Women age reduced to pieces of web scottona sculettanti have orgasms in commercials with yogurt or rubbing a kitchen floor, reduced by the anus or newsstand zoomed in to be seen but not heard on TV Have you seen a protest in the streets ? Finally, Haiti. What we did the heroes of the web on, we fighters keyboard for the last of the earth? I wish there was a single human being in Haiti today, dead or alive, who has left written since 1995 things have changed here. Thank you 'beautiful souls' of the Internet ". In 1994, their democratically elected president, Jean Bertrand Aristide was restored to his post by Clinton after the CIA in 1991 had seen fit to throw him out, because unfortunately the Haitians had the courage to usually vote for the wrong party (ie, that appealed to them and not in Washington). I well remember a reporter that during the coup of '91 a clamor of media had been felt. Ten years later, in 2004, again France and the U.S. decided that Aristide was not acceptable and put him on a plane literally wrapped in central Africa, and went back to sucking the blood to the population exhausted by SAP International Monetary Fund. In a report by the U.S. State Department at that time stating that the "trade for export and investment policies that impose, mercilessly crush the rice farmers in Haiti." But in 2004 we had the net, mouse plutonium, missile websites, blogs ... detonated two nuclear detonators. I stop here at the foot of those 200,000 dead.

The conclusion that I propose is clear. The arrival of the Internet in the trenches of social struggle has not improved the world, nor Italy, indeed. This is because, as I wrote, its purpose was and remains the drug of millions of ordinary people, and the few activists to expire in a pathology obsessive activism keyboard that would make them useless. They succeeded, the Power has again won. We are a bunch of assholes manic totally sucked into this global videogame monstrous, utterly incapable of doing what our grandparents or our parents, and humans for thousands of years before them, were able to do to change their world. And that is why I ridicule those who like Antonella Randazzo claims that subsidies must be able to devote more time to unload this house of crazies doped more information. That's why attack Labor and Industry partners the complaint and indignation, which means tons of other information they gave to this incredible dump of the web to produce just nothing. While Italy rots and the whole world dies. Here, finally, because I say so long that every citizen knows the Western for decades and nausea what is wrong, the tragedy is that they do not know what to do.

So, dear colleagues Paul Barnard Paul Barnard you and all you people of the web: the web is designed to permanently take away the balls, there is no point in the war with the enemy . Stop reading and commenting obsessively disintossicatevi, plant them to publish Burst (U.S. authors and sites you), retire to our homes and ask to cry because I can no longer change my time? Because the power has fucked me again?


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