Saturday, December 20, 2008

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Before you have a blank sheet of paper, a pen cap with nibbled, perhaps for the nervous, perhaps because of the wait, or simply because the famous "oral" Freud in fact you never surpassed. You sit a bit 'uncomfortable, posture is important, but if you do not tilt the head thoughts do not come from the ear, so who cares . Treat your writing for the very first 2 lines, then you realize that you type slowly and beat the imagination, so speed up the pace, heedless to stay inside or outside the fictional staff before your eyes. The ideas are materialized simultaneously with the movement of your hand, fingers tight and secure just skim the paper, do not want SBAFO of the black white. While imprint on paper dreams, fears, disappointments, reflections, joys and fuck the world, can not you see you're doing something different than the rest of the people ... You talk, you scream, we confess, you can enjoy, you are crying now increasingly cock, to use an ancient and noble a term used in the France of Louis XIV, cleared through customs inner feelings of the human soul, with the consequent loss of value of these same.
Sometimes that's okay ... Without words


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