Hello Julian, are outraged as you are ..... I am in school, "Pisacane" I taught children not to strangers but to their parents. I was part of a team of elementary school teachers, mandated by the administrator, to help foreigners understand the adults in the Italian language ....... Every Friday morning after accompanying their children in the classrooms, parents of different ethnic groups went to me for their Italian lessons .... It 'was the most formative experience, the integration of a thousand meetings which I attended! On other days of the week I went to another establishment to perform this delicate task Roman ....
The memory of the many faces of humanity incredible, vast knowledge of some of my "students" special (many were university graduates) have also influenced the decision to major in Education, with a thesis on the problems of " migrants "or specifically the" journey "in its value of" migration "..... I wanted to take my testimony and solidarity to all the initiatives that you are always at the forefront in defense of immigrants I can not forget when the "others" we were ....